It's Ebsus2notWhat you BbthoughtGmWhen you first beEbgan BbitYou've Ebsus2gotWhat youBbwantNow Gmyou can hardly Ebstand it thoughBy C7now you know
It's Ebsus2not goC7ing to stEbopCIt's Ebsus2not goC7ing to stEbopCIt'sBbnot goFing to stAbop'Til Ebyou wise upEbsus2Bb
Sloka 2
You'reEbsus2 sureThere's a BbcureAnd Gmyou have finally Ebfound BbitYou Ebsus2thinkOne BbdrinkWill Gmshrink you 'til you're EbundergroundAnd C7living down
But it's Ebsus2not goC7ing to stEbopCIt's Ebsus2not goC7ing to stEbopCIt's Bbnot goFing to stAbop'Til Ebyou wise upEbsus2Bb
PreEbpare a list for what you needBeC7fore you sign away the deed'Cause it'sEbsus2 not goC7ing to stEbopCIt's Ebsus2not goC7ing to stEbopCIt's Bbnot goFing to stAbop'Til Ebyou wise upBbNo, it's Fnot going to Abstop'Til Ebyou wise BbupNo, it's Fnot going to stoAbpSo jEbust... give upEbsus2BbGm~