Barbra Streisand - Woman in love

Sloka 1
GmLife is a Cmmoment in Gmspace When the Cmdream is Ebgone It's a Flonelier Bbplace FmI kissed the morning goodEbbye But EbdownEb/ inDsiCmde You know we never know Dwhy
Sloka 2
GmThe road is Cmnarrow and Gmlone When Cmeyes meet Ebeyes And the Ffeeling is Bbstrong FmI turn away from the Bbwall I Ebstumble and Bbfall But I Ebgive you it Dall
GmI am a Dwoman in Gmlove And I'd Ddo anyGmthing To get you Dinto my Gmworld And Dhold you Gmwithin It's a Fright I deCmfend Over and over aBbgain GmWhat do I doEbmaj7
Sloka 2
GmWith you eteCmrnally mineGm In loCmve there iEbs No Fmeasure of Bbtime FmWe planned it all at Ebthe start That youEb/ anGd CmI Live in each other's heDart
Sloka 4
GmWe may be Cmoceans aGmway You Cmfeel my Eblove I Fhear what you Bbsay FmNo truth is ever a Bblie I Ebstumble and Bbfall But I Ebgive you it Dall
GmI am a Dwoman in Gmlove And I'd Ddo anyGmthing To get you Dinto my Gmworld And Dhold you Gmwithin It's a Fright I deCmfend Over and over aBbgain GmWhat do I do Eb7 Oh, oh, oh, oh ...
AbmI am a Ebwoman in Abmlove And I'm Ebtalking to Abmyou You know I Ebknow how you Abmfeel What a Ebwoman can Abmdo It's a Gbright I defDbmend Over and over aEb7gain
AbmI am a Ebwoman in Abmlove And I'd Ebdo anyAbmthing To get you Ebinto my Abmworld And Ebhold you witAbmhin It's a Gbright I deDbmfend Over and over aEb7gain
I prefer to sing it in Bm