Green Day - Viva la Gloria

Sloka 1
DbHey GlorFmia Are you sGbtanding close to the eDbdge? DbLook out at the Fmsetting sun Gbbrink of your visionAb DbEternal yFmouth Is a lGbandscape of a lDbie DbThe cracks in my sFmkin can prove GbAs the years will teAbstify
BbmSay your prayers and ligFmht a fire GbWe're gonna start a wDbar BbmYour slogans "A gun for Fmhire" GbIt's what we waAbited for
DbHey GlFmoria This is wGbhy we're on the edDbge DbThe fight of our liFmves been drawn GbThis undying lDbove.
Refrén 1
DbGloria, Viva La GlFmoria BbmYou blast your name In grGbaffiti on the walls GbmFalling in broken glass that's DbSlashing tAbhrough these Bbmspirit GbI can hear it like a jilted cAbrowd
DbGloria, where are you GlFmoria BbmYou found a home In all your scGbars and ammunition GbmYou made your bed in salad daDbys AbAmongst the rBbmuins GbAshes to ashes of our yoAbuth
Sloka 2
DbShe smashed her kFmnuckles into wiBbmnter (GBbmloriAba!Gb) GbAs autumns wiDbnd fades into blAback DbShe is the saFmint of all the siBbmnners (GBbmloriAba!Gb) GbThe one that's faDbllen through the crAbacks GbSo don't put away your buAbrning light
Refrén 2
DbGloria, where are you GlFmoria? BbmDon't lose your faith To your lGbost naivete GbmWeather the storm and don't look DbBack on lAbast NovBbmember GbWhen your banners were burning Abdown
DbGloria, viva la GFmloria BbmSend me your amnesty down GbTo the broken hearted GbmBring us the season That we aDblways wAbill remBbmember GbDon't let the bonfires go oAbut
So GbGloriDba, GbSend out your messageDb of GbThe light that sDbhadows in the nAbight. GbGloriaDb, Gbwhere's your undyDbing love? GbTell me the sDbtory of your lAbife
DbYourDb lifDbe!DbDb