Green Day - Viva la Gloria

Sloka 1
AHey GlorDbmia Are you sDtanding close to the eAdge? ALook out at the Dbmsetting sun Dbrink of your visionE AEternal yDbmouth Is a lDandscape of a lAie AThe cracks in my sDbmkin can prove DAs the years will teEstify
GbmSay your prayers and ligDbmht a fire DWe're gonna start a wAar GbmYour slogans "A gun for Dbmhire" DIt's what we waEited for
AHey GlDbmoria This is wDhy we're on the edAge AThe fight of our liDbmves been drawn DThis undying lAove.
Refrén 1
AGloria, Viva La GlDbmoria GbmYou blast your name In grDaffiti on the walls DmFalling in broken glass that's ASlashing tEhrough these Gbmspirit DI can hear it like a jilted cErowd
AGloria, where are you GlDbmoria GbmYou found a home In all your scDars and ammunition DmYou made your bed in salad daAys EAmongst the rGbmuins DAshes to ashes of our yoEuth
Sloka 2
AShe smashed her kDbmnuckles into wiGbmnter (GGbmloriEa!D) DAs autumns wiAnd fades into blEack AShe is the saDbmint of all the siGbmnners (GGbmloriEa!D) DThe one that's faAllen through the crEacks DSo don't put away your buErning light
Refrén 2
AGloria, where are you GlDbmoria? GbmDon't lose your faith To your lDost naivete DmWeather the storm and don't look ABack on lEast NovGbmember DWhen your banners were burning Edown
AGloria, viva la GDbmloria GbmSend me your amnesty down DTo the broken hearted DmBring us the season That we aAlways wEill remGbmember DDon't let the bonfires go oEut
So DGloriAa, DSend out your messageA of DThe light that sAhadows in the nEight. DGloriaA, Dwhere's your undyAing love? DTell me the sAtory of your lEife
AYourA lifAe!AA