Green Day - Whatsername

Db Bbm Db Bbm
Sloka 1
Db Thought I ran into to you down Bbmon the street. Db Then It turned out to only Bbmbe a dream.
Gb I made a Dbpoint to burn all Fof the photoBbmgraphs.Ab Gb She went Dbaway and then FI took a different Bbmpath.Ab Gb I rememDbber the face but FI can't recall the Bbmname.Ab Gb Now I wonder how AbWhatsername has been
Db Bbm Db Bbm
Sloka 2
Db Seems that She disappeared witBbmhout a trace. Db Did she every marry old BbmWhat's his face.
Gb I made a Dbpoint to burn all Fof the photoBbmgraphs.Ab Gb She went Dbaway and then FI took a different Bbmpath.Ab Gb I rememDbber the face but FI can't recall the Bbmname.Ab Gb Now I wonder how AbWhatsername has been.
Db Bbm Db Bbm Gb Db F Bbm Ab Gb Db F Bbm Ab
Gb Remember, DbWhatever. F It seems like BbmforevAber ago. Gb Remember, DbWhatever. F It seems like BbmforevAber ago. Gb The regrets Dbare useless, Fin my mind She's in my Bbmhead, I mAbust confess Gb The regrets Dbare useless F She's in my Bbmhead so lAbong AGO
AGbgo-go Ago-go DbAgo-go Ago-go FAgo-go, Ago-goBbmAb AGbgo-go Ago-go DbAgo-go Ago-go FAgo-go, Ago-goBbmAb
Gb And in the AbDarkest night Gb If my MeAbmory serves me right Gb I'll never Abturn back time Gb Forgetting Abyou, but Not the Time .
Db Bbm Db Bbm