Kelly Clarkson - Behind These Hazel Eyes

Here IEbm am, once agBain I'm Gbtorn into Dbpieces Can't dEbmeny it, can't pBretend Just Gbthought you were the Dbone Broken Ebmup, deep iBnside But yoAbmu won't get to see the tears I EbmcryB BeGbhind these hazel Dbeyes
Here IFm am, once agaDbin I'm Abtorn into Ebpieces Can't dFmeny it, can't prDbetend Just Abthought you were the Ebone Broken Fmup, deep inDbside But yoBbmu won't get to see the tears I FmcryDb BeAbhind these hazel Ebeyes
Here IGm am, once agaEbin I'm Bbtorn into Fpieces Can't dGmeny it, can't prEbetend Just Bbthought you were the Fone Broken Gmup, deep inEbside But yoCmu won't get to see the tears I cGmryEb BeBbhind these hazel Feyes
Here IAm am, once agaFin I'm Ctorn into pGieces Can't dAmeny it, can't prFetend Just Cthought you were the oGne Broken Amup, deep inFside But yoDmu won't get to see the tears I cAmryF BeChind these hazel eGyes
Here IBm am, once agGain I'm Dtorn into pAieces Can't dBmeny it, can't pGretend Just Dthought you were the oAne Broken Bmup, deep iGnside But yoEmu won't get to see the tears I BmcryG BeDhind these hazel eAyes
Here IDbm am, once agAain I'm Etorn into Bpieces Can't dDbmeny it, can't pAretend Just Ethought you were the Bone Broken Dbmup, deep iAnside But yoGbmu won't get to see the tears I DbmcryA BeEhind these hazel Beyes