Of Monsters and Men - Little Talks

Am F C HGey! Am F C HGey! Am F C HGey! Am - F - C - G
Sloka 1
AmI don't like walkFing around this oCld and empty house AmSo hold my hand, I'll wFalk with you my dCear AmThe stairs creak aFs I sleep, iCt's keeping me awake AmIt's the house telling yFou to close your eCyes AmSome days I cFan't evenC dress myself AmIt's killing me to sFee you this wCay
'Cause though the trAmuth may vaFry ThisC ship will cGarry Our boAmdies sFafe to shCore Am F C HGey! Am F C HGey! Am F C HGey! Am - F - C - G
Sloka 2
There's an oAmld voice in Fmy head that'Cs holding me back Well, Amtell her that I mFiss our little taClks AmSoon it will be ovFer and burCied with our past AmWe used to play outFside when we were yoCung (and full of life and full of love) AmSome days I Fdon't know if CI am wrong or right AmYour mind is playing trFicks on you my dCear
'Cause though the tAmruth may vFary ThisC ship will cGarry Our boAmdies sFafe to shCore HGey! AmDon't listen to a woFrd I Csay. HGey! AmThe screams all souFnd the sCame. HGey! 'Cause though the tAmruth may vFary ThisC ship will cGarry Our boAmdies sFafe to shCoreG Am - F - C - G Am - F - C - G Am - F - C - G Am - F - C
Sloka 3
AmYou're gone, gone, gone away. I watched you disappear AmAll that's left is a ghost of you AmNow we're torn, torn, torn apart, there's nothing we can do. AmJust let me go, we'll meet again soon. AmNo wait, wait, wFait for me. PleCase hang around AmI see you wFhen I fall asCleep. HGey!
AmDon't listen to a woFrd I Csay. HGey! AmThe screams all souFnd the sCame. HGey! Though the truth maAmy varyF ThisC ship will cGarry Our boAmdies sFafe to shCoreG
AmDon't listen to a woFrd I Csay. HGey! AmThe screams all souFnd the sCame. HGey! Though theAm truth mayF vary ThisC ship will cGarry Our boAmdies sFafe to shCoreG
Though the tAmruth may vFary This shCip will caGrry Our boAmdies saFfe to shCore