Of Monsters and Men - Little Talks

Dm Bb F HCey! Dm Bb F HCey! Dm Bb F HCey! Dm - Bb - F - C
Sloka 1
DmI don't like walkBbing around this oFld and empty house DmSo hold my hand, I'll wBbalk with you my dFear DmThe stairs creak aBbs I sleep, iFt's keeping me awake DmIt's the house telling yBbou to close your eFyes DmSome days I cBban't evenF dress myself DmIt's killing me to sBbee you this wFay
'Cause though the trDmuth may vaBbry ThisF ship will cCarry Our boDmdies sBbafe to shFore Dm Bb F HCey! Dm Bb F HCey! Dm Bb F HCey! Dm - Bb - F - C
Sloka 2
There's an oDmld voice in Bbmy head that'Fs holding me back Well, Dmtell her that I mBbiss our little taFlks DmSoon it will be ovBber and burFied with our past DmWe used to play outBbside when we were yoFung (and full of life and full of love) DmSome days I Bbdon't know if FI am wrong or right DmYour mind is playing trBbicks on you my dFear
'Cause though the tDmruth may vBbary ThisF ship will cCarry Our boDmdies sBbafe to shFore HCey! DmDon't listen to a woBbrd I Fsay. HCey! DmThe screams all souBbnd the sFame. HCey! 'Cause though the tDmruth may vBbary ThisF ship will cCarry Our boDmdies sBbafe to shForeC Dm - Bb - F - C Dm - Bb - F - C Dm - Bb - F - C Dm - Bb - F
Sloka 3
DmYou're gone, gone, gone away. I watched you disappear DmAll that's left is a ghost of you DmNow we're torn, torn, torn apart, there's nothing we can do. DmJust let me go, we'll meet again soon. DmNo wait, wait, wBbait for me. PleFase hang around DmI see you wBbhen I fall asFleep. HCey!
DmDon't listen to a woBbrd I Fsay. HCey! DmThe screams all souBbnd the sFame. HCey! Though the truth maDmy varyBb ThisF ship will cCarry Our boDmdies sBbafe to shForeC
DmDon't listen to a woBbrd I Fsay. HCey! DmThe screams all souBbnd the sFame. HCey! Though theDm truth mayBb vary ThisF ship will cCarry Our boDmdies sBbafe to shForeC
Though the tDmruth may vBbary This shFip will caCrry Our boDmdies saBbfe to shFore