Paul Simon ft. Art Garfunkel - The sound of silence

Sloka 1
Dbm Hello darkness, my old Bfriend I've come to talk with you Dbmagain Because a vision softAly creepEing Left its seeds while I Awas sleeEping And the Avision that was planted in my Ebrain Still remainE/sEbDbm EWithin the Bsound of Dbmsilence
Sloka 2
Dbm In restless dreams I walked alonBe Narrow streets of cobbleDbmstone 'neath the halo of Aa street Elamp I turned my collar to the Acold and Edamp When my Aeyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon Elight That split the nightE/EbDbm E And touched the Bsound of Dbmsilence
Sloka 3
Dbm And in the naked light I Bsaw Ten thousand people, maybe Dbmmore People talking withAout speaEking People hearing withAout listeEning People writing Asongs that voices never Eshare And no one darE/eEbDbm EDisturb the Bsound of Dbmsilence
Sloka 4
Dbm "Fools", said I, "you do not Bknow" "Silence like a cancer Dbmgrows" "Hear my words that I Amight teach Eyou" "Take my arms that I Amight reach Eyou" But my Awords like silent raindrops EfellE/EbDbm And Eechoed in the Bwells of Dbmsilence
Sloka 5
Dbm And the people bowed and Bprayed To the neon god they Dbmmade And the sign flashed out Aits warEning In the words that it wAas forEming And the sign said: "The Awords of the prophets" "Are written on the subway Ewalls" "And tenement Ehalls"E/EbDbm "And whispEered in the Bsounds of Dbmsilence"
original: capo 6