Roxette - How do you do

Sloka 1
I see you comb your Ghair and Cgimme that gDrin It's Cmaking me sGpin now, Cspinnin' withDin. Before I Cmelt like Gsnow CI say HelDlo, Chow do you Gdo!CD
Sloka 2
I love the way you undGress now, Cbaby begDin, CDo you carGess, honey, my Cheart's in a Dmess, I love your Cblue eyed vGoice, like CTiny Tim sDhines thru, CHow do you dGo! (CHow do you Ddo!)
Před-refrén 1
Well, here we Emare crackin' jokes in the Dcorner of our mouths, And I Cfeel like I'm laughing in a Gdream.G/Gb If EmI was young I could Dwait outside your school, 'Cos your Cface is like the cover of a magazDine...
How do you Bbdo, do you do, the tFhings that you do? No one I Bbknow could Ebever keep Fup with you. How do you Gmdo! Did it Ebever make Fsense to you to say GmBye, EbBye, FBye?
Sloka 3
I see you in that Gchair with Cperfect skDin, Well, Chow have you bGeen, baby, Clivin' in sDin? Hey, CI gotta Gknow, did Cyou say "HelDlo, Chow do you Gdo?" (CHow do you Ddo?)
Před-refrén 2
Well, here we Emare spending time in the Dlouder part of town, And it Cfeels like everything's Gsurreal.G/Gb When EmI get old I will Dwait outside your house, 'Cos your Chands have got the power meant to Dheal...
How do you Bbdo, do you do, the tFhings that you do? No one I Bbknow could Ebever keep Fup with you. How do you Gmdo! Did it Ebever make Fsense to you to say GmBye, EbBye, FBye?
Gm F Gm Well, here we are crackin' jokes Gm F Gm How do you do? Gm F Gm Well, here we are spending time Gm F GOoooG7h...
How do you Cdo, do you do, the Gthings that you do? No one I Cknow could Fever keep Gup with you. How do you Amdo! Did it Fever make Gsense to you to cry AmBye, FBye, GBye?
Oooh, how do you Cdo, do you do, the Gthings you do? No one I Cknow could Fever keep Gup with you. How do you Amdo! Did it Fever make Gsense to you to say AmBye, FBye, GBye?C