Roxette - How do you do

Sloka 1
I see you comb your Ehair and Agimme that gHrin It's Amaking me sEpin now, Aspinnin' withHin. Before I Amelt like Esnow AI say HelHlo, Ahow do you Edo!AH
Sloka 2
I love the way you undEress now, Ababy begHin, ADo you carEess, honey, my Aheart's in a Hmess, I love your Ablue eyed vEoice, like ATiny Tim sHhines thru, AHow do you dEo! (AHow do you Hdo!)
Před-refrén 1
Well, here we C#mare crackin' jokes in the Hcorner of our mouths, And I Afeel like I'm laughing in a Edream.E/D# If C#mI was young I could Hwait outside your school, 'Cos your Aface is like the cover of a magazHine...
How do you Gdo, do you do, the tDhings that you do? No one I Gknow could Cever keep Dup with you. How do you Emdo! Did it Cever make Dsense to you to say EmBye, CBye, DBye?
Sloka 3
I see you in that Echair with Aperfect skHin, Well, Ahow have you bEeen, baby, Alivin' in sHin? Hey, AI gotta Eknow, did Ayou say "HelHlo, Ahow do you Edo?" (AHow do you Hdo?)
Před-refrén 2
Well, here we C#mare spending time in the Hlouder part of town, And it Afeels like everything's Esurreal.E/D# When C#mI get old I will Hwait outside your house, 'Cos your Ahands have got the power meant to Hheal...
How do you Gdo, do you do, the tDhings that you do? No one I Gknow could Cever keep Dup with you. How do you Emdo! Did it Cever make Dsense to you to say EmBye, CBye, DBye?
Em D Em Well, here we are crackin' jokes Em D Em How do you do? Em D Em Well, here we are spending time Em D EOoooE7h...
How do you Ado, do you do, the Ethings that you do? No one I Aknow could Dever keep Eup with you. How do you F#mdo! Did it Dever make Esense to you to cry F#mBye, DBye, EBye?
Oooh, how do you Ado, do you do, the Ethings you do? No one I Aknow could Dever keep Eup with you. How do you F#mdo! Did it Dever make Esense to you to say F#mBye, DBye, EBye?A