Scorpions - Wind of Change

C# A#m C# A#m Fm A#m Fm D# G#! (2x)
Sloka 1
G#I follow the MoskA#mva Down to GorkyG# Park Listening to the A#mwind of cFmhangeD#G#! G#An August summer nA#might Soldiers passingG# by Listening to the A#mwind of cFmhangeD#G#!
G#The world is closing iA#mn Did you everG# think That we could be soA#m close, like FmbrotherD#sG#!
G#The future's in the aA#mir I can feel it everG#ywhere Blowing with the A#mwind of cFmhangeD#G#!
Refrén 1 (2x)
G#Take mD#e to the mA#magic of the mD#oment On a G#glory D#night Where the cA#mhildren of tomD#orrow dream awFmay C#In the wind of cD#hange
Sloka 2
G#Walking down the sA#mtreet Distant memG#ories Are buried in the A#mpast foreFmverD#G#! G#I follow the MoskA#mva Down to GorkyG# Park Listening to the A#mwind of cFmhangeD#G#!
Refrén 2
G#Take mD#e to the mA#magic of the mD#oment On a G#glory D#night Where the cA#mhildren of tomD#orrow share their dFmreams With yC#!ou and mD#!e
G#Take mD#e to the mA#magic of the mD#oment On a G#glory D#night Where the cA#mhildren of tomD#orrow dream awFmay In theC#! wind of cD#!hange
FmThe wind of change blows sD#traight Into the face of tFmime Like a stormwind that will D#ring The freedom bell for peace of Fmmind Let your balalaika A#msing What my guitar wants to CmsayC7
Refrén 3
G#Take mD#e to the mA#magic of the mD#oment On a G#glory D#night Where the A#mchildren of toD#morrow share their Fmdreams With yC#!ou and D#!me
G#Take mD#e to the mA#magic of the mD#oment On a G#glory D#night Where the A#mchildren of toD#morrow dream aFmway In the wiC#!nd of chD#!ange
C# A#m C# A#m Fm A#m Fm D#