Gary Jules - Mad World

Sloka 1
CmAll around me are Ebfamiliar faces BbWorn out plaFces – worn out faces CmBright and early for their dEbaily races BbGoing nowhere – Fgoing nowhere CmTheir tears are filling Ebup their glasses BbNo expression F no expression CmHide my head I want to Ebdrown my sorrow BbNo tomorrow F no tomorrow
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CmAnd I fiFnd it kinda funny, I fiCmnd it kinda sad CmThe dreams in which I’m Fdying are the best I’ve ever Cmhad CmI find it hard to tFell you, I find it hard to tCmake CmWhen people run in cFircles it’s a very very Cm Maaaaaad worldF Cm Maaaaaaad worldF
Sloka 2
CmChildren waiting for the dEbay they feel good BbHappy birthday –F happy birthday CmMade to feel the way that Ebevery child should Bb Sit and listen F sit and listen CmWent to school and I was Ebvery nervous BbNo one knew me F no one knew me CmHello teacher tell me wEbhat’s my lesson BbLook right through me F look right through me
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CmAnd I fiFnd it kinda funny, I fiCmnd it kinda sad CmThe dreams in which I’m Fdying are the best I’ve ever hCmad CmI find it hard to Ftell you, I find it hard to tCmake CmWhen people run in cFircles it’s a very very Cm Maaaaaad worldF CmEnlarge your worldF CmMad worldF