Gary Jules - Mad World

Sloka 1
FmAll around me are Abfamiliar faces EbWorn out plaBbces – worn out faces FmBright and early for their dAbaily races EbGoing nowhere – Bbgoing nowhere FmTheir tears are filling Abup their glasses EbNo expression Bb no expression FmHide my head I want to Abdrown my sorrow EbNo tomorrow Bb no tomorrow
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FmAnd I fiBbnd it kinda funny, I fiFmnd it kinda sad FmThe dreams in which I’m Bbdying are the best I’ve ever Fmhad FmI find it hard to tBbell you, I find it hard to tFmake FmWhen people run in cBbircles it’s a very very Fm Maaaaaad worldBb Fm Maaaaaaad worldBb
Sloka 2
FmChildren waiting for the dAbay they feel good EbHappy birthday –Bb happy birthday FmMade to feel the way that Abevery child should Eb Sit and listen Bb sit and listen FmWent to school and I was Abvery nervous EbNo one knew me Bb no one knew me FmHello teacher tell me wAbhat’s my lesson EbLook right through me Bb look right through me
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FmAnd I fiBbnd it kinda funny, I fiFmnd it kinda sad FmThe dreams in which I’m Bbdying are the best I’ve ever hFmad FmI find it hard to Bbtell you, I find it hard to tFmake FmWhen people run in cBbircles it’s a very very Fm Maaaaaad worldBb FmEnlarge your worldBb FmMad worldBb