Green Day - Viva la Gloria

Sloka 1
EHey GlorAbmia Are you sAtanding close to the eEdge? ELook out at the Abmsetting sun Abrink of your visionB EEternal yAbmouth Is a lAandscape of a lEie EThe cracks in my sAbmkin can prove AAs the years will teBstify
DbmSay your prayers and ligAbmht a fire AWe're gonna start a wEar DbmYour slogans "A gun for Abmhire" AIt's what we waBited for
EHey GlAbmoria This is wAhy we're on the edEge EThe fight of our liAbmves been drawn AThis undying lEove.
Refrén 1
EGloria, Viva La GlAbmoria DbmYou blast your name In grAaffiti on the walls AmFalling in broken glass that's ESlashing tBhrough these Dbmspirit AI can hear it like a jilted cBrowd
EGloria, where are you GlAbmoria DbmYou found a home In all your scAars and ammunition AmYou made your bed in salad daEys BAmongst the rDbmuins AAshes to ashes of our yoButh
Sloka 2
EShe smashed her kAbmnuckles into wiDbmnter (GDbmloriBa!A) AAs autumns wiEnd fades into blBack EShe is the saAbmint of all the siDbmnners (GDbmloriBa!A) AThe one that's faEllen through the crBacks ASo don't put away your buBrning light
Refrén 2
EGloria, where are you GlAbmoria? DbmDon't lose your faith To your lAost naivete AmWeather the storm and don't look EBack on lBast NovDbmember AWhen your banners were burning Bdown
EGloria, viva la GAbmloria DbmSend me your amnesty down ATo the broken hearted AmBring us the season That we aElways wBill remDbmember ADon't let the bonfires go oBut
So AGloriEa, ASend out your messageE of AThe light that sEhadows in the nBight. AGloriaE, Awhere's your undyEing love? ATell me the sEtory of your lBife
EYourE lifEe!EE