Rasmus - No Fear

Gm - D# - A# - F (4 times) Gm - D# - A# - F - D#
Sloka 1
GmGirl,D You lived your lD#ife like a sleeping sA#wan Your tCmime has comeD To go deGmeper GmGirlD Your final jD#ourney has just begA#un But desCmtinyD chose the rGmeaper
No GmFear D# Destination DaA#rknessF No FGmear D# Destination DA#arknessF No D#Fear
Sloka 2
GmGirlD Rain falls dD#own from the northern skA#ies Like pCmoisoned knifesD With no mGmercy
GmGirlD Close your eD#yes for the one last A#time SCmleepless nightsD From here to eteGmrnity
No GmFear D# Destination DaA#rknessF No FGmear D# Destination DA#arknessF No D#Fear
Gmahh DD#estiA#natiFon Darkness Gmahh DD#estiA#natiFon Darkness
Am - F - C - G Am - F - C - G
No FAmear F Destination DaCrknessG No FAmear F Destination DCarknessG NAmooo Fear Am - F - C - G (4 times)(arpg)