Rasmus - No Fear

Cm - G# - D# - A# (4 times) Cm - G# - D# - A# - G#
Sloka 1
CmGirl,G You lived your lG#ife like a sleeping sD#wan Your tFmime has comeG To go deCmeper CmGirlG Your final jG#ourney has just begD#un But desFmtinyG chose the rCmeaper
No CmFear G# Destination DaD#rknessA# No FCmear G# Destination DD#arknessA# No G#Fear
Sloka 2
CmGirlG Rain falls dG#own from the northern skD#ies Like pFmoisoned knifesG With no mCmercy
CmGirlG Close your eG#yes for the one last D#time SFmleepless nightsG From here to eteCmrnity
No CmFear G# Destination DaD#rknessA# No FCmear G# Destination DD#arknessA# No G#Fear
Cmahh DG#estiD#natiA#on Darkness Cmahh DG#estiD#natiA#on Darkness
Dm - A# - F - C Dm - A# - F - C
No FDmear A# Destination DaFrknessC No FDmear A# Destination DFarknessC NDmooo Fear Dm - A# - F - C (4 times)(arpg)